News from the Polar Academy
Invitation to join on April 28, 2021 the B2BI North Atlantic—Arctic Science Initiative Seminar Series
Fisheries and other human activities – inclusive processes, expertise and evidence provided in the North East Atlantic, and adjacent seas.
Announcement of chosen topics 2021
We are happy to announce that our call for “topic areas where NVP may have a positive impact in the coming year” resulted in a total of ten proposals.
Member and stakeholder survey 2021
The new Academy Strategy 2021-2025 (to be formally accepted by the Board this spring), calls for deeper member involvement in the Academy’s activities.
Decision regarding the 2021 International Summer School
As previously informed, The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research decided to cancel the 2020 International Summer School and postpone to 2021 due to the global outbreak of Covid-19.
New members admitted in 2020
Six (6) people were admitted as new members at the Board’s meeting on November 16th 2020, and presented on the Academy’s 2020 annual meeting.
Oppfølgingsplan for norsk polarforskning (only in Norwegian)
I 2017 evaluerte Forskningsrådet norsk polarforskning, og nå har en komite bestående av eksperter innen norsk polarforskning fulgt opp.
Svalbard og havområdene – nye utenrikspolitiske utfordringer for Norge? (Svalbard and the Surrounding Ocean Spaces – New Foreign Policy Challenges for Norway?)
Internasjonal Politikk, No 4, Vol 78, 2020, pp. 511-522. Article available only in Norwegian, but with an abstract in English.
Update: NVP International Summer School 2021
Due to the global outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research decided to postpone the 2020 International Summer School until 2021.
The Joint North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Science Programme Initiative (B2B)
The Joint North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Science Programme Initiative (B2B) is evolving from within the scientific community to innovatively transform international scientific research and related education programs in an era with new expectations for science in the 21st century.
Nomination of candidates for membership 2020
Individual Norwegian members to NVP are Norwegian citizens who have carried out independent scientific work in polar research or specifically have contributed to the advancement of polar research (§5.2.)
Daily reports from the GoNorth Expeditions
The GoNorth consortium has proposed a wide-ranging and cross-disciplinary program to acquire new and essential knowledge about the oceanic areas, from the sea floor and subsea geology, through the water column, to the surface sea ice. Education will be an important part of the program.
The reports are published in Norwegian.