Decision regarding the 2021 International Summer School
Photo by: Eva Therese Jenssen/UNIS
As previously informed, The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research decided to cancel the 2020 International Summer School and postpone to 2021 due to the global outbreak of Covid-19.
Unfortunately, the Covid-19 situation is still changing rapidly, and the global situation is highly uncertain. Thus, the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research has decided to not arrange the 2021 International Summer School during the summer months of 2021.
The Academy has considered arranging the summer school digitally, but decided not to do this. Experiencing Svalbard and field activity are two key components in our summer school, as well as we believe that meeting physically is an important ground stone for the interdisciplinary joint peer reviewed article that the students will publish as a result from the work at the summer school.
Moving forward, the Academy will plan for a physical International Summer School on Svalbard during the autumn/winter of 2021.
All qualified students from 2020 have been kept in the Academy’s records and contacted in February 2021, and will be contacted again as soon as new dates for the 2021 International Summer School have been decided. A decision is expected in mid-May 2021.
Whether the committee will open for new applications for the 2021 Summer School has not been decided.
The Board of Directors and the organizing committee are sincerely sorry that we yet again are in a position where we must postpone the International Summer School due to the Covid-19 situation.
Link to more information about the 2021 International Summer School – “The Global Arctic”.
Link to more information about the Academy’s three-year international summer school project.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on if you have questions.